Hot Pot

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  1. 白豆腐                      1 Tofu 1pack
  2. 洋葱                          1 1 onion
  3. 大白菜                      半棵 Half a Chinese cabbage
  4. 泡菜                          300g  300g kimchi
  5. 蟹柳                          6 6 crab filament stick
  6. 鸡蛋                          1 1eggs
  7. 辛辣面                      1 1pack Sim Ramen
  8. 鸡肉火腿片             6 6 slices of chicken slices
  9. Hotdog                      6 6 hot dogs
  10. 芝士                           1 1 slice of cheese
  11.                               1 1 green onion


  1. 韩式辣酱                 2大汤匙 2 tablespoons Korean chili paste (gochujang)
  2. 蜜糖                          1大汤匙 1 tablespoon honey
  3. 生抽                          适量 Soy sauce
  4. 辛辣面调料包         11 pack of sim ramen seasoning


  1.       把洋葱、金针菇、海鲜捞火锅、hotdog、蟹柳、大白菜洗净备用。Clean the onion , enoki mushrooms, seafood steamboat combo, hotdog,
  2.       把洋葱切丝,白豆腐切块、金针菇切段、hotdog切斜、大白菜切段备用。Slice the onion, cut the white tofu into cubes, chop the enoki mushrooms into sections, cut the hot dogs at an angle, and chop the Chinese cabbage into sections
  3.       准备一个锅,分别把食材摆在锅里。Arrange the ingredients in a pot.
  4.       加入800ml的清水,倒入调好的酱料,开火煮滚。Add 800ml of water and pour in the prepared sauce. Boiling it.
  5.       食材滚开后,加入辛辣面和一片芝士。After boiling, add in shim ramen and 1 slices cheese.
  6.       过后打入鸡蛋、撒上葱花。Crack the egg into the pot and sprinkle with chopped green onion.
  7.       香喷喷的部队锅就完成啦!Your delicious budae jjigae (Korean army stew) is now ready to be served! Enjoy!